To deliver, Bomakazi:
- Integrates African ancestral and modern living environment design, social enterprise and eco-technology.
- Focusses on alternative financing and social enterprise on the quadruple bottom-line.
- Raises economic demand for decent shelter, minimizing financial profiling
- Intensifies land-use to increase affordability.
- Rationally advocates for more congruent by-laws
- Helps match education with industry
- Deploys and invigorates the cooperative movement.
- Has created the self-servicing mortgage Rozabod homestead and Mtaala village
A Rozabod is:
- A peri-urban or rural homestead on minimum ⅛ acre
- Comprises1-4 bedroom residence and economic production facilities.
- The facilities include telecommuting, workstations and agribusiness accommodation.
The Mtaala is:
- A socio-economically viable grouping of Rozabods
- Supported by commercial, social and other auxiliary facilities.
- Administered by a residents’ management organisation.
- A Community rather than a residential estate.
- More than 30 designs and generics
- Residence floor area range 60-240 m2
Construction is:
- In appropriate building materials and technology (ABMT)
- By low-cost, locally available materials, elements, components and systems which work just as well as conventional technologies.
- Through technologies easily learnt and promote ecological conservation resulting in serene living environments.
- By locally-trained and registered ABMT artisan groups
- Motivated by a suitable Pan-African development ideology.
- Estimated Rozabod cost range: sh. 8.5 m-14.6 m.
- Costs are all-inclusive – from land to operational auxiliary facilities
Bomkazi Kenya Schedule
- Construction of the inaugural Mtaala slated for 2017, done in 3 years
- Mtaala’s 02 and 03 completed in the following year
- Mtaala’s 04, 05 and 06 follow in year 07 in a cumulative build up
- Years 29-39 Rozabod construction levels off at 884,000 annually
- Year 39: Shelter backlogs cleared and supply equilibrium achieved
- Year 40: Shelter supply settles at the population growth rate.