In 39 years:
Year 01-02 : Planning and design preliminary preparations
Year 03 : Construction commencement - 5 Rozabods
Year 07 : Completion of the first 100-Rozabod Mtaala
Years 08-20 : Rise in annual Rozabods production
Years 21-24 : Production steady at 601,000 Rozabods annually
Years 25-28 : Production steady at 729,000 Rozabods annually
Years 29-39 : Production steady at 884,000 Rozabods annually
Year 39 : 6.1 million backlog cleared and supply-demand equilibrium attained.
Year 41 : Supply at 338,000 Rozabods
Year 42 : Supply at 891,000 Rozabods
Year 43 : Supply at 913,000 Rozabods
Year 44 on : Production increase at population growth rate
Financial profile (Preliminary estimates under ongoing scrutiny) Total investment - sh. 172.4 trillion (US $ 1.90 trillion) Annual aggregate - sh. 4.4 trillion, (US $ 50 billion)